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IQRA JOURNAL: Theological and Religious Studies

issn: 2791-9137



    Our new issue was published. If your article is prepared according to publication principles, you can send it directly to submission@iqrajournal.net



Publication Principles


The contents of the manuscripts:

Our journal generally includes studies under the following subheadings:

Islamic Studies: Quran, Tafsir, Kalam, Hadith, History of Islam, Mysticism, Sufism, Islamic Literature, Islamic Economy, Islam and Science, Islamic Culture an Civilization, Islam and Society, Islamic music, Islamic art...

Christian Studies: Bible, Denominations of Christianity, History of Christianity, Christian Literature, Christianity and Science, Christian Culture and Civilization, Christian Art...

Judaism Studies: Torah, History of Judaism, Jewish Literature, Judaism and Science, Jewish Culture and Civilization, Jewish Art…

It may also publish studies on theological and religious that are not included in these titles.



Submission submitted to the journal must contribute to the study of theological and religious and be original.

Submissions must be unpublished work.



Submissions should include a title page containing the author’s name and institutional affiliation,

Headings should be written in bold,

Submissions must include an abstract of between 150 and 200 words,

Keywords should be 4-6 words,

Submissions should not exceed 25 standard pages in lenght,

Submissions must be sent in word format,

Font: Book antiqua,

Font size: 11,

Footnotes size: 9.



Submissions may be submitted in English.




Footnote (in text): (Surname, Year: page number)

Example: (Gunduz, 2005: 66)


Bibliography: Surname, Name (Year). Book Name. Place Published: Publisher.


Gunduz, Sinasi (2005). Change and Essence: Dialectical Relations between Change and Continuity in the Turkish Intellectual Tradition. (eds. Cafer S. Yaran), Washington: RVP Press.


Journal Article;

Footnote (in text): (Surname, Year:page number)

Example: (Bell, 2021: 267-277)


Surname, Name (Year). Paper. Journal, Volume, Issue, pp.


Bell, JM Charles (2021). Witness-in-communion: a theology of existence to essence during the pandemic. Theology,  Volume: 124, Issue: 4, pp. 244–251.


Footnote (in text):

(Surname, Year: page number)


Surname, Name (Year). Title of Thesis. Master/Doctora Thesis, University.



Footnote (in text): (Surname, Year: page number)

Surname, Name (Year). Title. Encyclopedia, Volume,  Place Published: Publisher.

The author may use the paper with reference to our journal. 

The author submitting an article to the journal is deemed to have accepted these principles.







IQRA JOURNAL: Theological and Religious Studies

IQRA JOURNAL: Theological and Religious Studies

Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.